Samsung Electronics Co. announced on Monday that it had experienced a cybersecurity breach that exposed confidential business data, including source code for the functioning of its Galaxy smartphones. The remark comes after Lapsus$ claimed responsibility for the attack over the weekend, which comes after the group took a massive 1TB of data from Nvidia, of which it released 20GB in a document. Late Friday, the LAPSUS$ hackers uploaded a 190GB torrent file to their Telegram channel, saying it included proprietary Samsung source code that exposed the company’s security measures. Algorithms for Samsung smartphone biometric authentication and bootloader source code to bypass some operating system protections were among the things listed.

What Is Going On With Cyber Crime In The Past Few Years?

The above news extract indicates not one but two recent breaches, Samsung and Nvidia. There are many cyber crimes and privacy breaches reported every day. And I am talking about the ones that have been officially reported and confirmed. What about the ones that have not been disclosed? The most important limitation to be considered of using the internet today is the fact that you can be hacked at any time, any day.

According to a business spokesperson of the Korean giant:

“There was a security breach relating to certain internal company data,” Samsung said. “According to our initial analysis, the breach involves some source code relating to the operation of Galaxy devices but does not include the personal information of our consumers or employees. Currently, we do not anticipate any impact on our business or customers. We have implemented measures to prevent further such incidents and will continue to serve our customers without disruption.”

The thought of identity theft runs shivers down my spine and sometimes makes me stop using my computer at all. But then after 15 minutes or so, I turn it back on because I am so addicted to my laptop and mobile that without them I don’t know what else to do. And the Work From Home culture (due to the pandemic) has made everyone stay online for more hours than before. From doing your office work to ordering groceries, medicines, and anything else, you need the internet and an account with the Ecommerce website. Being online also helps you in studying, playing games, streaming content, or staying connected with your family and friends.

But with the rise in cybercrime, I thought of two different ways of living my life and decided to try them out. 

  • Stop Using The Internet
  • Create Fake IDs.

Here are my findings on these points that might interest you:

Can We Live Without The Internet?

With so many cybercrimes being reported daily, one might think to perhaps give up using the internet and save their data and maintain privacy. However,that would not be possible! Here is why!

  • You would not be able to shop online and would have to go out to get groceries and other stuff.
  • You will not be able to watch your favorite movies even, because most DVD rentals have shut down after Streaming apps like Netflix, Hulu, etc have gained momentum.
  • You would not be able to connect with your family and friends through social media apps. Now if you have the old landline phones with you chances are that your contacts may not have them.
  • You would not be able to transfer or send any file or mail to anyone wirelessly.
  • You would not be able to make any online transfers and would be required to carry notes and coins everywhere you went.

Here is a quick video that will make you understand Why we cannot live without using the internet.

Can We Use Fake IDs on The Internet?

The Internet being the inevitable life-blood of our lives cannot be shunned away. Instead, can we try to create fake IDs and keep continuing to use the internet. But even that seems impossible and here are a few points to consider:

  • You will not be able to make fake IDs and accounts that require you to enter your cell phone number for OTPs.
  • You will not be able to purchase a cellphone connection with fake IDS and any Sim card you get issued will have your authentic details.
  • You will not be able to connect with your family and friends on social media with fake accounts.

Is There Something We Can Do Against The Hackers?

Note: There is something that you can do with fake IDs and email accounts and that is to use these credentials to log in to suspicious or new websites. This way you can stay protected if the website or app appears to be malicious. 

Now that we know that we cannot stop using the internet or make 100% fake IDs which means we are vulnerable to being hacked someday or the other. What we can do instead is to make it difficult for these malicious actors rather than letting them have it as a piece of cake. Here are a few tips that you must follow if you want to keep your data safe and maintain your privacy.


A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts your internet traffic and hides your real IP address. Your privacy will be safeguarded if you use a VPN in conjunction with your online experience.

Use An Antivirus.

Use a real-time antivirus to keep your computer safe at all times. It protects the computer by filtering out unwanted adverts and prevents malware and other malicious applications from being downloaded or accessed.

Use Ad Blockers

Ad Blockers are browser plugins that prevent adverts from loading, preventing your PC from being penetrated by adware and other malware hiding within them. They also speed up browsing and save bandwidth, which is particularly important for metered connections.

Use A Password Manager

Your credentials are one of the most crucial pieces of information in today’s digital world. Use a password manager tool that scans your computer and extracts all of your passwords, then stores them in a digital vault that only you can access with a master password.

Use Cloud Storage For Data Backups.

A cloud storage solution is the finest option for protecting your data and allowing you to access it from anywhere. You want to keep your data safe yet still have access to it when you need it.

Follow us on social media – Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. For any queries or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below. We would love to get back to you with a solution. We regularly post tips and tricks, along with answers to common issues related to technology.

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