What is ROUNDUP Excel?


The syntax of the roundup excel formula is stated as follows:

The function accepts the following mandatory arguments:

  • Number: This defines the floating-point number, which is to be rounded up.Num_of_digits: This defines the number of digits to which the number is to be rounded. It can be positive, negative or zero.

Note: Both the arguments of the ROUNDUP function must be integers.

The Values of “Num_of_Digits”

The “num_of_digits” argument can take the following values:

  • If “num_of_digits” is greater than 0, the number is rounded up to the defined number of decimal places.If “num_of_digits” is equal to 0, the number is rounded up to the nearest integer.If “num_of_digits” is less than 0, the number is rounded up to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, and so on. All the decimal places are removed.

Note: The “num_of_digits” can take values from 1 to 9 only.

How to Use the ROUNDUP Function in Excel?

The ROUNDUP function works similar to the ROUND functionROUND FunctionROUND is a built-in Excel function that calculates the round number of a given number using the number of digits as an argument. The number to be rounded up to and the number of digits to be rounded up to are the two arguments to this formula.read more, except that the former rounds the number upwards. Let us consider a few examples to understand the working of the ROUNDUP formula.

Example #1

Let us calculate the output with positive values of “num_of_digits.” This implies that the “num_of_digits” is greater than zero.

Example #2

Let us calculate the output with “num_of_digits” equal to zero.

Example #3

Let us calculate the output with negative values of “num_of_digits.” This implies that the “num_of_digits” is less than zero.

Frequently Asked Questions

The ROUNDUP function helps round a number to the higher side. Being a Math and Trigonometry function, it returns an approximate value, thereby making the numbers simpler to understand. The ROUNDUP function is used in situations where an estimate is required. As calculations become easy, reporting numerical values is no longer a complicated task. The ROUNDUP function accepts two mandatory arguments–the “number” and the “num_of _digits.”

For rounding up to the nearest whole number, the “num_of _digits” in the ROUNDUP formula is specified as zero. The formula is stated as follows: “=ROUNDUP(number,0)” For example, “=ROUNDUP(74.26,0)” returns 75.

The ROUNDUP function rounds a number upwards while the ROUNDDOWN functionROUNDDOWN FunctionROUNDDOWN function is a built-in function in Microsoft Excel. It is used to round off the given number.read more rounds a number downwards. In other words, the former rounds away from zero while the latter rounds towards zero. The arguments of the ROUNDUP and the ROUNDDOWN functions are–the “number” and the “num_of _digits.” The examples of the two functions are given as follows: • “=ROUNDUP(47.3691,2)” returns 47.37 • “=ROUNDDOWN(47.3691,2)” returns 47.36 • “=ROUNDUP(-22.468,-1)” returns -30. • “=ROUNDDOWN((-22.468,-1)” returns -20.

This has been a guide to the ROUNDUP function of Excel. We have gone through the ROUNDUP formula in Excel, the usage, and the examples. The Excel templates can be downloaded from the site. You may also look at these useful functions in Excel –

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