What is Risk Insurance?


  • Risk Insurance shall involve assessing the price to be paid to Insurance policyholders who have suffered from the loss that occurred to them, which is covered by the policy. It involves various types of risks such as theft, loss, or damage of property or also may involve someone being injured; there is a chance that something unexpected or harmful may happen at any point in time.It evolves in calculating the pay of the financial value for the damages that might occur to the insured property or item that might be lost, injured, or destroyed accidentally or often occur to happen. It also states how much it would cost to replaceCost To ReplaceReplacement Cost is the capital amount required to replace the current asset with a similar one at the present market rate. Usually, assets replacement occurs when their repair & maintenance charges surge beyond a reasonable level. read more or repair such an insured item to cover the loss suffered by the policyholder in case of such damage. Insurers shall calculate claims and evaluate their risks.

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The following are the different types of risk in insurance:

#1 – Pure Risk

  • Pure risk refers to the situation where it is certain that the outcome will lead to loss of the person only or maximum it could lead to the condition of the break-even to the person, but it can never cause profit to the person. An example of pure risk includes the possibility of damage to the house due to natural calamity.In case any natural calamity occurs, it will damage the house of the person and its household items, or it will not affect the person’s home and household items. Still, this natural calamity will not give any profit or gain to the person. So, this will fall under the pure risk, and these risks are insurable.

#2 – Speculative Risk

  • Speculative risk refers to the situation where the direction of the outcome is not specific, i.e., it could lead to a condition of loss, profit, or break-even. These risks are generally not insurable. An example of speculative risk includes the purchase of the shares of a company by a person.Now, the prices of the shares can go in any direction, and a person can make either loss, profit, or no loss, no profit at the time of the sale of those shares. So, this will fall under the Speculative risk.

#3 – Financial Risk

Financial riskFinancial RiskFinancial risk refers to the risk of losing funds and assets with the possibility of not being able to pay off the debt taken from creditors, banks and financial institutions. A firm may face this due to incompetent business decisions and practices, eventually leading to bankruptcy.read more refers to the danger in which the outcome of the event is measurable in terms of the money, i.e., any loss that could occur due to the risk can be measured by the concerned person in monetary value. An example of financial risk includes a loss to the goods in the warehouse of the company due to the fire. These risks are insurable and are generally the main subjects of the insurance.

#4 – Non-Financial Risk

Non-Financial risk refers to the risk in which the outcome of the event is not measurable in terms of the money, i.e., any loss that could occur due to the risk cannot be measured by the concerned person in the monetary value. An example of the non-financial risk includes the risk of poor selection of the brand while purchasing mobile phones. These risks are uninsurable since they cannot be measured.

#5 – Particular Risk

Particular risk refers to the risk which arises mainly because of the actions or the interventions of the individual or the group of some individuals. So, the origin of the particular risk by individual-level and impact of the same is felt at a localized level. An example of a specific chance includes an accident on the bus. These risks are insurable and are generally the main subjects of the insurance.

#6 – Fundamental Risk

Fundamental risk refers to the risk which arises due to the causes which are not under the control of any person. So, it can be said that the fundamental risk is impersonal in its origin and the consequences. The impact of these risks is essentially on the group, i.e., it affects the large population. The fundamental risk includes risks on the group by events such as natural calamity, economic slowdown, etc. These risks are insurable.

#7 – Static Risk

Static risk refers to the risk which remains constant over the period and is generally not affected by the business environment. These risks arise from human mistakes or actions of nature. An example of static risk includes the embezzlement of fundsEmbezzlement Of FundsEmbezzlement refers to the act of secretly taking, withholding, or misappropriating money or other asset that is kept, maintained, or placed under an individual’s responsibility by the company for which he or she works.read more in a company by its employees. They are generally easily insurable as they are easy to measure.

#8 – Dynamic Risk

Dynamic risk refers to the risk which arises when there are any changes in the economy. These risks are generally not easy to predict. These changes might bring financial losses to the members of the economy. An example of the dynamic risk includes the changes in the income of the persons in an economy, their tastes, preferences, etc. They are generally not easily insurable.

Concept of Risk Insurance

The term of risks in insurance says that how the insurers evaluate their risks in issuing insurance policies to the policyholders on the loss that may occur due to loss, theft, or damage to the property or even someone is injured. This concept also says the types of those risks are involved in the issuance of insurance. It also helps the insurers to evaluate the risk and calculate the claims that can be paid in the future at any point in time if the damage or loss occurs.


Thus the risk insurance or the risks in the insurance are the chance that unexpected events will occur, which could cause the loss to the person or its property. Most of the risks are nowadays insurable by insurance companies. These companies calculate the probability of the events and their impact and then calculate the premium accordingly.

This has been a guide to What is Risk Insurance & its Definition. Here we discuss the types of risk insurance and its concepts. You can learn more about from the following articles –

  • Counterparty RiskRisk RatingInvestment RiskRisk Tolerance TypesTranslation Risk