What is Drill Down in Power BI?

Going from the general view of the data to a detailed view with a click of the mouse. Drilling down is an important power BI featurePower BI FeaturePower BI has countless appealing features like content packs (containing data models & dashboards, etc.), personalized visualization, DAX functions, Flexible Tiles, and Quick Insights, among others.read more because, in a yearly revenue chart, you may see overall sales as “2M.” Still, there are chances that most of the revenue is generated in a single quarter or few months, so drilling down the general view of the summary deeper will give the correct picture.

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How to Use Drill Down Option in Power BI?

You can download the workbook to use the same file as we used in this example.

We can see “Year” only once for all the four quarters.

The first is “Up Arrow,” the second is “Down Arrow,” the third is “Double Down Arrow,” and another one is of “Expand” options.

Days » Months » Quarters » Years.

Drill Down Feature For Non Date Columns

We can apply this drill-down feature not only for columns but also for non-date columns.

  • For example, we need to see “Category-wise” and “Sub-category-wise” drill down a summary for this first insert “Category-wise” chart.

  • Now, look at the chart.

  • Now, drag and drop the “Sub-Category” column to just below the “Category” column under the “Axis” of the chart.

As soon as we insert another field chart that has enabled the drill-down option using the drill-down, we can see both the “Category-wise” and “Sub-category wise” summary chart.

Note: We can also download the Power BI drill down file from the link below. We can view the final output.

Things to Remember

  • The drill down feature requires a hierarchy of the columns to be used with visuals.The date hierarchy is automatically created.Not all the visuals support drill down and drill up features.

This article has been a guide to Power BI drill down. Here, we discuss using the drill down feature in Power BI to summarize the data in the next hierarchical level, along with examples. You may learn more about Power BI from the following articles: –

  • Drillthrough in Power BI?Microsoft Power BI CareerParameter in Power BIDrag and Drop Examples in Excel