What are Outside Sales?


An outside sales process follows the following steps: –

#1 – Find Target Audience

Research is carried out, and a list of potential customers is prepared based on market needs. However, it is important to understand the market conditions and factors to reach a correct target audience.

#2 – Approach the Customers

If the representative feels that they can meet the potential customer’s requirement, they connect with them and arrange for a meeting.

#3 – Arrange Meeting

#4 – Meet the Customers

Sales representatives meet the customers and discuss the company’s products and services. Then, they pitch to potential clients about the products and services and encourage them to buy the same.

#5 – Enter into Transaction

The last step is to finalize the terms and conditions and enter the deal.

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What Do Outside Sales Representatives Do?

Sales representatives arrange to meet potential customers to have face-to-face discussions with them. Explain to them the benefits and features of the goods and services of the company. They try to sell the company’s products and services to prospective buyers. Also, they keep in touch with the existing customers to maintain good relations with them and cater to their needs.

Similarities between Inside Sales and Outside Sales

While outside sales involve representatives meeting prospective customers and entering into deals with them, inside sales representatives involve representatives reaching out to prospective customers from the office through telecommunication media such as phone calls, emails, Skype, etc. Both involve sales representatives reaching out to potential customers rather than clients approaching them to bring in clientele. Both of them arrange to reach the customers for the sale of products and services of the company.

Inside Sales vs. Outside Sales

  • Customer Reach: Inside sales representatives can reach out to many clients through different media types such as email, phone calls, etc. Thus, they have access to a larger clientele. On the other hand, outside sales representatives have to meet the potential customers in person, and thus due to the limited time in a day, they have access to less clientele.Cost Involved: Outside sales involve more costs due to traveling and expenses incurred on clients than inside sales, which are limited to internet and communication expenses.Geographical Coverage: Outside sales limit the geographical coverage since the representatives need to visit the customers. However, there are no geographical barriers in the case of inside sales as clients can be reached in any part of the globe too easily.Sales Cycle: The sales cycle is shorter in the case of inside sales because lesser communication is involved. At the same time, the sales cycle tends to be longer in the case of outside sales since a lot of communication and other ancillary work is involved.Skills Required: The representatives must possess good people skills in outside sales. They should be able to deal with different people and present the company well. In the case of inside sales, the representatives need to have good communication skills and prompt replies.


  • The representatives are better positioned to explain the goods and services and can also provide a demonstration.When the customer feels excited about the goods or services, he may involve other persons, such as his friends or neighbors, and thus, clientele may increase.The customer relationships that develop during outside sales are stronger and better.It is easier to understand customer requirements face-to-face.


  • The higher cost is involved as compared to internal sales.The coverage of clients is limited due to time limitations and geographical limitations.It is not easy to get customers to meet these days.Nowadays, companies tend to advertise their products and services online, reducing the need for outside sales.


A company shall plan outside sales after researching and understanding the potential customer’s specific needs. In this, the representatives have better opportunities for pitching the customers about the company’s products and services.

This article is a guide to what are Outside Sales and its definition. We discuss outside sales vs inside sales, components, similarities, and differences. You can learn more about financing from the following articles: –

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