I vividly remember building my first desktop PC in the early 2000’s. Apart from gathering enough knowledge about the components, I had taken the help of a local retailer to help me put the things together.
The experience was highly immersive and I ended up learning a lot on how the computer hardware works. The level of customisation was so high that I could be as picky as possible without blowing up the budget.
That being said building your very own PC can go wrong sometimes and this is not a chance that most of us would want to take. Building a PC involves parts worth quite a lot and any shortcomings in the same would be disastrous. Putting together a realistic budget is also pretty tough.
Newegg wants to help amateurs build their first PC and help them choose the best components.
The DIY experience from Newegg is pretty comprehensive in nature and perhaps this will help you build more advanced gaming rigs or high-end PC’s in the future. Newegg will also help you out with the service associates via the phone or the email.
The company is also bundling a “Swag Box” which will include items from the hardware manufacturer and a membership for the Newegg Premier (subscription for building a more advanced rig.)
This is what Newegg had to say:
If I had to learn something from my personal PC building experience (rookie!) a helping hand is inevitable. Most of the hardware retailers try to upsell customers by hooking them up with high-end hardware and this is something that doesn’t always end up well.
Customers will be presented with a series of questions that will ultimately point them to the PC Build Kit that matches their requirements. First, they choose one of six cases. Once a case is selected, the customer indicates if they want to build an AMD- or Intel-based machine. From there, they simply choose whether they want a good/better/best configuration, taking into consideration their performance requirements and budget range. Once these questions are answered, they are presented with the build kit that most closely matches their needs.
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